Probably the most tourist-y thing I've done at all since I've arrived here! A haven in Tokyo for teenage fashion, strange or not. I went their with Ayuko(left) and her friend, Miho(right), who is super nice and super smart! We took the train from Sayama to Harajuku and MAN as we got closer did the train get CROWDED! But considering it was the last weekend of summer vacation for most schools, it shouldn't really have surprised me. Let me indulge in my girlish-ness and say OMG: so much shopping and so many people!! Let me give you guys an idea of how crowded it was: That is the place where we ate crepes (so delicious...a strawberry cheesecake crepe...I couldn't finish it). Kinda hard to see from this angle, but the line stretched around the corner and it was so hot! Aaah! But the crepe was worth it. I can't really remember how many stores we looked at...probably ten or so. But it was worth it! If anyone cares about what's in in Japan right now the answer is ...